
Happy Birthday Karlyn!

Someone in this family had a birthday! In case you hadn't heard. ;-) We had a fun small-ish party at home with family and friends. I'm so glad everyone took time out of their day to celebrate our sweet girl. She is truly loved.

Karlyn was so glad her friend Mallory could come. They have been to each others birthday parties every year and are only five months apart. I love seeing them play together!

Ryan came up with a game for us to play and I was super impressed! He handed out strips of paper to everyone and asked them to write down something about Karlyn - something funny she'd said or a sweet memory with her, or a characteristic they admired about her. He then read them out loud and Karlyn got to guess who said what. With a little help, she did pretty good!

So, I made the cake. #obviously  Karlyn had requested a strawberry cake and I had seen this number/sprinkle idea on Pinterest. Ya'll, I'm no professional cake baker. The top looked OK - the sides didn't fare so well. :-0 I'm embarrassed to even have pics of it but oh well. Ryan made my "4" stencil for me and we thought it turned out good enough. I think part of the problem was that I used too much frosting in between the layers which didn't leave me enough to smooth out the sides well. At least it was bright!

I told you it was bad. :/

Good thing 4 year olds don't care!

Little miss thought she needed a swipe of icing.

It was a fun day and Karlyn got all kinds of cool presents. Warm cozy pj's, paint and paint brushes, a stick horse, books, stick-on earrings and more!


Amanda said...

We had so much fun celebrating Karlyn!! Great job!!

Amanda said...

We had so much fun celebrating Karlyn!! Great job!!